You would think that an old editor and newspaper man like me would do a better job of keeping archives of old editions, but that does not seem to be the case. Unlike printed media, the web page was updated each week by just deleting the old stuff and adding the new things to the same page and no record was kept of the stuff deleted.
I have changed that now, and am going back and trying to reconstruct some of the older editions. Some of the dates are lost, but I will do my best to recover as much stuff as possible since we have new people finding this website for the first time almost weekly.
Listed below are the editions recovered, the dates if known, and the feature story of those editions.
Unknown - C.E. Wynn's Photo Booth Photos of Spring Break 1964
Unknown - Jim White Story and Photo
July 23, 2001 - Tags and The Bomb, Mike Griffith Story and photos
more, Collins' Trivia Questions
September 17, 2001 - No Edition due to the September 11th Terrorist Attack
Grand Canyon Adventure
e-mail about Founder's Day
March 4, 2002 - Western Trivia Answers, Collins' Trivial Thoughts, Other TV
Heroes Trivia
March 18, 2002 - Music Trivia Answers, Huntsville Photo Trivia, How to Stay
Young, 6th Grade History Answers
March 25, 2002 - Saturday Cartoon Trivia, Photo Answers, 710 Cap, Senior
April 1, 2002 - Music Trivia, Lawnchair Man Story, Cartoon Answers
April 8, 2002 - Time Machine, Lee Satellite Photo, Music Trivia Answers
April 15, 2002 - TV Music Trivia, Responses to Back to the Dance, The Little
Red Wagon Caper
April 22, 2002 - TV Music Answers, Who Packs Your Parachute, Southerners
April 29, 2002 - Huntsville Entertainment Trivia Answers, East Clinton May Day
May 6, 2002
- Huntsville Downtown Trivia 2, Time Machine to Lee Results
May 13, 2002
- Dianne Hughey McClure Graduates, The Sno-Wite Price Is Right
May 20, 2002 - Music Trivia, Moses Preston's Beatlemania 2002, Menu Answers
May 27, 2002 - Graduation Thoughts, Music Trivia Answers, Generals Do Cal 500
June 3, 2002 - Campfire Songs Trivia, and more Lehman Williams stories
June 10, 2002
- Post-Graduation Stress Syndrom, Summer Camp Memories
June 17, 2002 - Bob Cochran Visits Memphis, Music Trivia, Mini-Reunion Plans
July 1, 2002 - Orange Bowl CD, Bobby Cochran's Huntsville Trivia
July 8, 2002 - Tony Thompson Crotchless Panties, Trivia Answers, Mini-Reunion
July 15, 2002 -Ted Willams Story, How Long Has it Been, Males in Songs Trivia
July 22, 2002 -Reunion 2K2 Highlights, Males in Songs Answers, Huntsville Trivia
July 29, 2002 -More Reunion 2K2, Rainer's Amaretto Cake Recipe, Trivia Answers
August 12, 2002 - Un-Lockering The Secrets, Missing Classmates, Girl Name Trivia
A Tale of A Tie
October 21, 2002 -Scholarship Essay Contest Rules, Halloween Kick-Off, Jim Storm
Story, Lehman Williams "When I Grow Up"
November 4, 2002 - Sandy Smith Ray Article and Poem, Thanksgiving Mini-Reunion Information
More Veterans
December 9, 2002 - Robert The Robot, Music Memories, Toy Stories, Mystery Classmate
Music Memories
January 6, 2003 - Frankie Kennedy Weeks, Best Friend, Tennessee River Submarines
Rison Times
January 13, 2003 - The Seely Girls remember Carters. Rainer Klauss visits Mike Acree in
San Francisco . The Tao of Roller Skating, More Rison memories.
January 20, 2003 - Pre-Lee Memories of Lincoln and Rison, Readership Survey, Mystery
House and Mystery Classmate.
January 27, 2003 - More Pre-Lee Memories of Lincoln and Rison, Mystery Classmate
February 17, 2003 - More Valentine Stories, Web Site Explination, Mike's View of Visit
Memories, Joy Rubins Morris in Athens, AL
March 3, 2003 - Parkway City, Mullin's Chili Dogs, Elementary School Memories,
Woody Beck in Athens, GA
March 10, 2003 - Cher Concert, Duck Hunters, Barbara Biggs Knott in Thurmont,
Maryland, East Clinton Photos Identified.
March 17, 2003 - Rainer Goes Up With Woody, Things You Can't Get Outside
Huntsville, Bob Cochran in Florissant, MO; Mystery Place Photo
March 24, 2003 - Small Plane Flying, Collins Wynn's Rec-Collections, David Lemaster
in Huntington Beach, CA
March 31, 2003 - Third Birthday of website, Mik Boggs Flying Adventure, Collins' Capers
Mullins in Southern Living, Ricky Simmons in Plano, TX
April 7, 2003 - Collins' Flying Fabric I, Scholarship Results, Cecilia Levan Watson in
Portage, IN
April 14, 2003 - Collins' Flying Fabric 2, Linda Brown Mann in Huntsville, AL,
Readership Survey Note, Collin's Capers
April 21, 2003 - Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly's "Life Before Lee", Collins Drive-In
Adventures, Bruce Fowler in Arab, AL
April 28, 2003 - James Milton Shelton's Navy Cross, 1995 Lee Silver Sabre, Barbara
Wilkerson Donnelly in Anderson, SC; The Truth Behid the General
May 5, 2003 - Tommy Towery's first job, Mystery Buildings, Andrea Gray Roberson
in Huntsville, Mystery Huntsville Jr. High photos.
May 12, 2003 - Rainer's Jepoardy, Remembering Steve Roberson, "The Fruitman"
May 19, 2003 - Big Thoughts about the Big Spring, The Coke Bottle Poll, The Flood
May 26, 2003 - Fami-Lee losses include Mr. Hamilton, Mystery Building
June 2, 2003 - Atlanta Mini-Reunion Photos, Frank James Story, Machinest
June 9, 2003 - Classmate Preaches on 'Biker Sunday' , The Bag Boy, Pre-Lee Photos
Chip Smoak in Tyler, TX
June 16, 2003 - Kim Dickens, I Was A Ticket Seller, From The Bench, Tommy Towery
in Memphis
June 23, 2003 - Beer Brewing 101, I Was The Pizza Man, The Flora-Bama And Other
Roadhouses, The Happy Landing Store
June 30, 2003 - Summer In Huntsville, Social Circle Reunion, From The Bench,
Sarajane the Lifeguard, Music Trivia Returns, Time
July 7, 2003 - Failure To Communicate, Rainer Klauss's Job, Music Trivia Answers
Mystery Building
July 14, 2003 - Flying Tigers, Taylor's Pharmacy, Answers to Slang, New Mystery
July 21, 2003 - Communication - A Response by Rainer Klauss, A Movie Rerun, The
Lee Highwaymen, Eddie Sykes in Lake Mary FL, Mystery Photos
July 28, 2003 Evils of Air Conditioning, Rolling on The River, I Was A Reddy Kilowatt
August 4 Buy A Book For Lee, How I Ended Up In Burns, Oregon
August 11 Barbara's Early Jobs, Mystery Building, Monday Pop Quiz
August 18 Cruise Plans Formalized, Homecoming 2003 Breakfast, The Armory
August 25 Late September in 1963, Mars, Mystery Building
September 1 Walt Thomas's "Shop" article, Passing of Jaki Pass, Jim Betterton in
Russellville, AR, Mystery Buildings
September 8 More Lakewood Memories, Orange Bowl Band Concert Program,
September 15 Bobby Cochran's "You Can't Go Home", Darwin Down's Hills, Bus
Station, Mystery Photo
September 22 Lee High School's Magnet Program, VFW Annex Story
September 29 California Generals, Mike Storm's Photo, Final Homecoming Plans
October 6 Check For Library, Cruise Cancelled, Mystery Classmate
October 13 Homecoming Pictures, Mystery Classmates
October 20 Donna Faye Bishop's Passing, Blue Water Springs Question, Myster Photo
October 27 Ancient Ruins of Drive-In Theaters, Late December - Back In '63
November 3 Walking, Whitesburg Drive In, Mystery Photo
November 10 A Real Lee General, Veteran's Memories and Stories
November 17 Jobs of Collins (CE) Wynn, Veteran's Day Issue comments
November 24 Leaving on a Jet Plane and other Airport Memories
December 1 The Term Paper, Memories of Meadow Hills, Loss of Ric Rowan
December 8 Rocketing Around the Christmas Tree, Lee High Construction
December 22 Mistletoe, Zesto Closing, A Cop's Christmas Present
December 29 The Unforgiven, Music Trivia, For the New Year
January 5 Last Year's Losses, Orange Bowl - A Band Trip Confession, Lee-Bay
January 12 I am a Huntsvillian, Lee-Bay Mystery Item
January 19
January 26