Established March 31, 2000   139,197 Previous Hits     Monday - September 9, 2008

Editor:Tommy Towery                                           
Class of 1964                           Page Hits This Issue     e-mail
Adivsory Board: Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, George Lehman Williams, Patsy Hughes Oldroyd
Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
MEMPHIS, TN - As we enter football season, I find it harder and harder to get The Traveller done on Saturday nights. It is now 11:30pm and I am just starting it. Perhaps when things settle down a bit, I can start work earlier and not have to do it all in one sitting like I have had to do recently.

Please include your class year with your e-mails.
T. Tommy
Last Week's
Mystery Photo
This Week's
Mystery Photo
Classmates Comment
on Mini-Reunion

Don Stroud, Class of '65 - Mary and I want to thank you both for hosting the mini reunion Saturday. Everyone had a wonderful time visiting as well as eating the afternoon away. Ha!Ha! Without your tremendous effort many of our class members would have lost contact with each other and that would be such a loss! Maybe we'll have a bigger turnout next time.Tommy, I'm sorry that you experienced a problem with your computer last night but thanks for sharing that information with us .. It does make us computer dummies feel a little bit better. Ha! Once again ,thanks for all you do for us.

Elaine Lucas Hubbard Class of ‘66 - Tommy,you are definitely the King…of reunions for sure.  What fun we had at the mini-reunion at Optimist Park last weekend.  John and I and brother Vern (Lucas ‘64) and sister-in-law Joan (Graybill ’64) had such a great time there visiting with OLD friends (who are all these old people anyway?) and just catching up.  Vern and Joan had visited with us in July and told us they were coming back for the mini-reunion.  So, of course, we had them stay with us again and all came together last Saturday.  The day really brought back so many memories and thoughts about how close the classes of ’64-’65- and ’66 still are.  I know there so many folks who attended not mentioned here, but what joy to see you and Sue, Judy, Sarajane, Carolyn, Jerry, Jim, Joe, Niles, Glenn, Rainer, Gudren, Linda, Don, Debbie, Carol Jean……oh, the list goes on.   My two annuals from ’65 and ’66 were signed by many there who enjoyed perusing the pages and reliving memories from our collective past.  

Thanks again for all that you continue to do to bring us together as fami-Lee.  And, what a sneaky one you are to put my (mucho candid, not-posed-with-the-best-lighting or angle) photo in as this week’s Mystery Photo!   We hope to see you both in Huntsville in 2010 at the next big Reunion.

Collins (CE) Wynn, Class of ‘64 - I have to offer my apologies all around for my absence this past Saturday.  Once more duty interfered with my plans.  Our Emergency Operations Center was mobilized here and my obligations kept me in Baldwin County.  Hey, I even had a cabin reserved in the park on Monte Sano and had to forfeit one night for cancelling so late.  As we say – maybe next time.

By the way, following Tommy’s lead, I have decided to fully and completely retire from the State (law enforcement) on June 1st next year. Then I won’t have all these petty conflicts.  Then my burden will be to figure out how to spend all that Social Security money. Regards to all.

Patsy Hughes Oldroyd,  Class of ‘65 - I was so disappointed that I did not get to go to the mini reunion last weekend as I had planned. As it turned out, my mother became quite ill, and I had to go and see about her. She is in her eighties, not in great health, and now she will be having surgery very soon. Anyway, I was just right down the road from where you all were visiting and having a good time I am sure. Please do put all of the pictures on the Traveller website for all of us to see that were unable to be there. From the couple that I just got to look at on last Sunday’s issue, everyone looked so great. Thanks Tommy for being such a thoughtful person to keep up the website and to plan this nice gathering for all of us (from out of state at that! ). You are not only a most illustrious editor, but also a most illustrious social chairman as well. 
Glenn James, Class of '65 - The classmate is Elaine Lucas. But I shouldn't be making a guess! It was so good seeing her.