Pam Grooms Smith
Class of '65
Tommy, I am so very sorry that Leon and I will not be able to attend the mini-reunion this weekend, but as I told Patsy this is our family's anual Beach Weekend. I hope you will tell everyone how sorry I am that we can not be there and Hi for me. Lee High School is very special to me and I will never forget any of you I hold all of you dear to my heart. I think of the school, teachers and friends often. I know that the person I became had a lot to do with Lee High School, friends,and family.
I have recently retired after 27 years in education and now we are enjoying our three beautiful granddaughters and traveling every chance we get. I hope that we will be able to attend the next reunion so that we can catch-up with everybody in person. Until then take lots of pictures and keep-up the great work on the Traveller.
Linda Beal Walker
Class of '66
As usual I will be unable to attend the reunion. This is the weekend of the Collins' family reunion (my mother's family). I have not been to one of these in many years and most of the older family members are no longer with us. It always takes place at Palestine, an old church in the woods, in Carroll County, TN, and it has a cemetery where the great-greats are buried, some with only a rock as a headstone. The old church is no longer used, of course, but as children we liked to play inside the church. The bathroom accommodations leave a lot to be desired, a two-holer outhouse, that the women refuse to use.
It was at the reunion many years ago, I was in my twenties, that I last saw two elderly cousins, Mamie and Agnes, old maids, that I always thought of as the last of the real Southern ladies, always dressed in their pretty Sunday dresses, gloves, hats, shoes and purse that matched, and of course, the soft spoken Southern voice, and they were always treated with love and respect.
Enjoy being in Huntsville and being together.