John Drummond, Class of '65 - Though the photo is (no doubt intentionally) blurred, I think it shows a young Mickey Dolenz riding a baby elephant in a TV show called "Circus Boy." I did not watch it much either, preferring cowboys to clowns. "Corky" re-surfaced in the latter 1960s as the lead singer of The Monkees; I can't recall if they started out as a TV show about a four-man band, which evolved into an actual band when it was realized that these four actors could actually sing and play instruments, or if the band was formed first, pre-dating the TV show. Classmates? Surely some telecommunications scholar knows the answer. As an additional challenge for next week's edition: can anyone name the three other actors (two guitarists, a drummer) who played in The Monkees???
Sent Two Days Later From John - Tommy, ever since I replied to this week's trivia question, the idiotic Monkees theme song keeps playing in what's left of my brain, over and over and over: "Hey Hey, we're The Monkees / And people say we monkey around / but we're too busy singin, / to put anybody downnnnnnnn." Make it stop, Tommy, MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!
Skip Cook, Class of ‘64 - I believe that the star of "Circus Boy" was Mickey Cochoran who later became Mickey Dolenz of Monkee’s fame.
Karen Tucker Oliver, Class of '65 - This week's Mystery Photo jarred my brain. "Circus Boy" was only on a short while as I recall and Corky was the young boys name. If you look real close at the photo you may see a strong resemblance to "Hey, hey, we're the Monkees; we're always monkeying around...". Circus Boy was really Mickey Dolence of Monkee fame. Thanks Tommy for the walk down memory lane.