Established March 31, 2000   135,707Previous Hits              Monday - July 14, 2008

Editor:Tommy Towery                                           
Class of 1964                           Page Hits This Issue     e-mail
Adivsory Board: Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, George Lehman Williams, Patsy Hughes Oldroyd
Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
MEMPHIS, TN - I'm afraid that I lost the June 30th web page last week when I was working on the new issue. I was working on it late in the motel room and I accidentally did a save instead of a "save-as" so it the July 7 page overwrote the June 30 page. Sorry. If anyone printed it out, please save me a copy and contact me and I'll try to rebuild it.

Please include your class year with your e-mails.
T. Tommy
Last Week's
Mystery Photo
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      From Our
This Week's
Mystery Photo
T.C. Memorial Rock 'n Roll Reunion 2008
by Jerry Brewer
Class of '64

There will be a Rock 'n Roll Reunion from 7-12pm on Saturday August 23, 2008 at the Elks Lodge. This is located at 725 Franklin Street. Advance Tickets are $10 per person and should be available at Robbins Music Center, The Elks Lodge, or me (Jerry Brewer). My phone number is (256) 533-6977 or cell of (256) 683-0102.

The music will be provided by members of The Precious Few, Continentals - Tiks, Deltones, Ivy Joe and the Snowballs and probably others. It's going to be just a big jam session.

It shoudl be fun - like a three high school minin-reunion...ha! There shouldn't be any fighting since everyone will be too old to fight. I had hoped =tings could be worked out so that this event might be included with our mini-reunion.

(Editor's Note: I'm afraid the mini-reunion scheduled for August 30th at Optimist Park Recreation Center can't be rescheduled for that time; however, if all of you want to use this as a pre-mini-reunion dance then I hope you will do that. The editor won't be able to make it down since Sue works that weekend.)
Tommy Towery, Class of '64 - Thanks to the "Jim Bowie" series on TV, I spent a lot of my teenage years throwing knives at whatever I could (except people). The opening of the series with the Bowie knife sticking into the door if you recall. Well, when I wasn't busy cutting "Z's" like Zorro, I was busy thrown knives. I had one that I carried on my Boy Scout camping trip that was named "Arkansas Toothpick" and though it did not look like a Bowie knife, I sure acted like it was. I would throw it at trees, boxes, boards, fence posts - whatever. Later in life, when I was much too old to be doing such things, I finally bought myself a big knife that looked more like the knife used on the series. Maybe the newer generation relates more to Crocodile Dundee than Jim Bowie, but for me, Jim Bowie was king.

To see the opening scene, click on the link below:


Linda Beal Walker, Class of '66 - Scott Forbes was Jim Bowie, carrier of the bowie knife, adventurer and good guy.

Chip Smoak, Class of ' 66 - Scott Forbes played the title character Jim Bowie in the television series "The Adventures of Jim Bowie" which I watched as often as I could and which went away all too soon.  He was my benchmark for others who played Jim Bowie.

Carolyn Burgess Featheringill, Class of '65 - Your mystery TV Hunk of the Week starred as Jim Bowie in the series of the same name.  As I remember, there was some amazing knife  throwing (what would one expect!) and a very catchy theme song. Thanks, Tommy, for keeping us connected!

A Keeper
submitted by Bob Cochran
Class of '64

Their marriage was good enough, and their dreams focused.  Their best friends lived close by.  I can see them now...Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat...Mom in a house-dress, vacuum cleaner in one hand, and dish-towel in the other.  It was the time for fixing things...a toaster, a curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy  All that re-fixing and re-newing.  I wanted just once to be wasteful.  Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there would always be more.

But then my father died suddenly, and on that clear summer's night, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more.  And then years later, when my mother died, I had to re-think everything I felt.

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return.  So, while we have it, it's best we love it and care for it, and fix it when it's broken, and try to heal it when it's sick.

This is true for marriage, old cars, children with bad report cards, dogs and cats with bad hips,  a best friend that moved away,  a classmate we grew up with, and aging parents and grandparents.  We keep them because they are worth it!  There are just some things that make life important -- like people we know who are special -- and so we keep them close!

Good friends are like stars:  you don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

People are made to be Loved and Things are made to be Used. There is so much confusion in this World, because People are being Used and Things are being Loved.
The opening credits listed the young fellow in this series as "Corky" instead of his real name. I never watched it much, but later on the star took on a different value for me. Who was the star and what was the show? Hint: the show was not called "Corky".  Class years with answers please."
Subject:Last Week's Traveller
Arnie Clinton Anderson
From: Oklahoma City
Web Site:
Year of Graduation:  1962

I was in the frist freshman class at Lee in 1958-59 and would love to hear from anyone who was there that first year. I have read all the back issues of the Leetraveller and loved every min. of that ride down memory lane. Please let me hear from you.

I was glad to see the picture of the couple from the 1959 (first) yearbook from Lee. I also noted a response from Andrea Gray Roberson. I remember the photo immediately and went and got my copy of the book for a couple hours of reflecting.

I was in Huntsville last week for my art show and while sitting at Big Ed's Pizza waiting for takeout, Terry Roberson tapped on my sholder and we visited for a few mins. for the first time in 50 years.

I believe this weeks photo of Scott Forbes is from his series The Adventures of Jim Bowie. I do love reading the Traveller each week, and if you are sending it to everyione by e-mail please add me to your list. Thanks also for adding the announcement of my art show a few weeks back. I did recieve several e-mail from past friends because of it.

Subject:Last Week's Article
Carolyn Burgess Featheringill
Class of '65

       'Loved Patsy's story about the Fourth of July That Almost Wasn't.  What a happy memory that will aways be for her and her parents!
August 30th
Optimist Park Recreation Center
12-5pm there (maybe somewhere for dinner later)
Make your plans.