Subject: Last Week's Dr. Kildare Bonus Question
Mary (Ardrey) Aukerman
Class of 1966
I must admit that I had to look this one up and wasn’t surprised to see that, with over 30 actors auditioning for the lead role, William Shatner was the first one selected, though he then declined it. (I think Mr. Shatner is a hoot as Denny Crane and love his show, Boston Legal.) The article said that James Franciscus was also offered the role but had committed himself to another (eventually unmade) series at the time, so the third runner up was Richard Chamberlain. He was very nice to look at and I know more than one of my friends and I had a crush on him. Too bad it would not have been reciprocated, even if we had met him. We would have been better off with Ben!! The illusion of TV.
Lee's Traveller
Rodney White
Class of '66-'67
This last Saturday I played golf with Gary Metzger class of 64’, I received an email with the Lee Traveller attached. Thank you for your work !!!
My address is:
Rodney White
4809 Longwater Way
Tampa, FL 33615
Cell #: 813-300-4176
I love to see or hear from any of our classmates.
Thank you again.
Belated Apologies
George Lehman Williams
Class of ‘64
Friends, I have two apologies – first to Mr. Hamilton and his family for those phone calls at 3 a.m. on Sunday mornings from Gary Kinkle and Dwight Tuck asking if Lehman was there – and then a few minutes later – a call from Lehman (actually me ) asking if Lehman had any messages – after which we would almost throw-up from laughing because we were so drunk.
Second – to a girl named Ginger Willis ( not sure of the spelling – but like a Jeep Willys ) for my unnamed friend that called her as me and invited her to the junior prom as my date telling her not to tell anyone so it would be a surprise at the prom – of course I did not show up because I did not know about it - and on Monday walking around the halls, my unnamed friend said – Lehman, you better run, hear comes Willis and she is pissed. I’m not real sure that actually happened or if I dreamed it during an extremely intoxicated period of mental turbulence, but in my mind it seems to be real.
That’s about it – I pretty much was a fun loving, crazy, carefree kind of guy with a soft heart, just about the same as I am today. I hope I never grow up.
P.S. Linda Hughes said she is sorry – for what – I don’t know.