Chip Smoak, Class of '66 - I do not remember what they were called but they somewhat imitated the sound of the animal pictured on the side. They were not expensive. It is a shame that they are not available to children today. I spent many hours playing with the ones that I had.
Linda Beal Walker, Class of '66 - I cannot remember a name for these toys, but I do remember that you turned them upside down and then right side up again and they made the noise of whatever was pictured on the label, mooooooooo or baaaaaaaaaa, etc.
In my South Central Bell days, the Telephone Pioneers sold a floppy, green, stuffed frog that made a noise based on the same principle of the above referenced toys. Turn the frog upside down and then right side up again and it made the appropriate noise. I bought the frog as part of the Christmas presents for my niece and her son and daughters. I packed it in a large box along with the other gifts, not thinking that the frog would "croak" when the box was moved. I explained it to the postal clerk, but I have always wondered what reaction it received from Birmingham to Indianapolis.
Rose Sharon Towery Linsky, Class of '65 - This photo is very familiar to me and brings back fond memories when, as children, it was fun to go into the stores and turn the plastic coated cylinders over and hear the "mooing" sound that would be created.
However, the most fun I ever had with these was much later, when my family and I were in Germany (my husband had taken an overseas civil-service appointment between 1981 and 1984) - Anyway, we were staying at one of the resort areas and had purchased one of these "things" - I cannot remember the proper "name" for the "Moo Cow" gadget. My husband's mother, sister, and our neice were visiting with us and were in on the "Moo Cow Incidents".
The first "incident" started out innocently enough...
While at a fancy new "steak" restraurant in Garmisch - My sister-in-law (who is an elementary school teacher in Conyers) decided to "turn over" the gadget and inform the waitress that she thought our steaks were too "rare" - the waitress did not at all seemed amused.
Later, that same evening, the "kids" and I would stand outside the dining room windows and turn the "moo cow" over again and again, thinking it would be a great amusement to watch the reactions of the guests. However, to our dismay, the only one who heard us, evidently, was the waiter who (being much more "with it" than the aforementioned waitress) would wink at us from time to time and smile. This amusement only lasted us about 10 or 15 minutes - we eventually gave up and went inside to watch the mountain trout in the aquarium - and rest up for a trip to the Alps in the morning. Ho Hum...
Anyway, the "children" are all grown and married now with children of their own and they still tell of the incident - so at least we created an on-going memory of the "moo-cow" incident that has lasted at least 2 generations and, who knows, may be passed on at least one more time before it dies out....
Eddie Burton, Class of '66 - Didn't those things make the sound of the animal on the canister? I remember the cow one's. I don't think I ever saw the sheep one.
Jennifer White Bannecke, Class of '66 - The mystery items were sound makers. One would moo like a cow when you turned it over and the other went baaaaaa like a sheep. They were fun when you were around 6 or 7 years of age.
Tommy Towery, Class of '64 - I continue to be amazed when I look back at the things that were so simple yet entertained us and kept us occupied for hours. A simple "moo" or "baah" repeated over and over again as long as we had the strength to turn the can upside down. Compare the simple one-note sound to the birthday card my daughter Tiffany got me that, when you open the cover, plays the whole song of "Sweet Home Alabama" loud enough for anyone in the room to hear it and sing along with it.