Established March 31, 2000 120,634 Previous Hits Monday - October 8, 2007
Adivsory Board: Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, George Lehman Williams, Patsy Hughes Oldroyd
Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
Mary Ardrey Aukerman, Class of '66 - That looks like a typewriter eraser. You used the white end to erase the error and then brushed the little pieces away to keep them off the ribbon. I hated typing forms with carbons because you had to erase every copy and hope the carbon would work in the spot where you erased. Thank goodness that’s all behind us and we can just backspace to correct a mistake after doing a spell check. Some things about the good old days are best left behind us; this is one of them. I’ll take a laptop over an IBM Selectric anytime!!
I’ve gotten old! I’ve had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought cancer and diabetes. I’m half blind, can’t hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take forty different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts…have poor circulation, can hardly feel my hands and feet anymore … can’t remember if I’m 85 or 92…have lost most of my friends. But…thank God! I still have my driver’s license.
The nice thing about being senile is that you can hide your own Easter eggs!!!
I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor’s permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over!!!
Back to simplier times. What were these and what did they do? Name and Class year please.
Diann'e Loss
Chip Smoak
Class of '66
It is a shame that all we who know Dianne Hughey McClure personally or through her contributions to Lee's Traveller are unable to do more than offer our condolences and pray for God to strengthen and comfort her in her time of great sorrow. We know her loss is very difficult to bear but trust that she will endure because of God's love and the wonderful memories that she and Ronnie created. I'm sure that the thoughts and prayers of all the Fami-Lee are with her.
Grady Hospital
Jim Bannister
Class of '66
John Drummond is right. Grady Hospital is a war zone. I was the Atlanta District Service Manager for Instrumentation Laboratory in the early '80's and Grady was one of my least favorite places to call on. Even during the day the sidewalks around the hospital were full of homeless persons, panhandlers, muggers, and common street thugs. One of our dealer's service persons was robbed and killed in the parking deck. Her body was found in her car by one of my service engineers. We had a blood gas analyzer stolen from one of our salesman's van. It was never recovered, guess it is hard to pawn a blood gas analyzer. I had a service engineer quit because he had been robbed at gunpoint on a call to Grady and refused to go there again. I have been to most of the large hospitals in the eastern U.S. and Grady wins the "Battle Zone" award.