Established March 31, 2000   161,999 Previous Hits     Monday, December 21, 2009

Editor:Tommy Towery                                           
Class of 1964                           Page Hits This Issue     e-mail
Adivsory Board: Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, George Lehman Williams, Patsy Hughes Oldroyd
Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
Hits this issue!
Memphis, Tennessee - Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope that your heart is as happy as it was when you were a child and went to sleep awaiting Santa the next morning.

Take the time this year to contact an old friend that you have been thinking about.

Please include your school and class year with your e-mails.
T. Tommy
      From Our
Last Week's
Mystery Photos
Below - Pam Grooms Smith, Class of '65
Below - Joan Graybill Lucas when she was about 3 or 4.
Below - Barb Biggs Knott, Class of '66, in 1952
Yes Virginia...
There Really
Is A
Santa !
Sometimes the secret of a photo is lost among the other things in the picture. This week I heard from two former Lee General classmates who sent in Santa photos. The stories sent with the picutes were were more about the persons in the Santa suits than in the people with Santa.

Collins (CE) Wynn, Class of '64 - This photograph (top-color) is from GC Murphy's in Parkway City Shopping Center on South Parkway in 1962.  I don't know the young ladies but Santa is my dad (Gene Wynn) which would be the link to LHS due to his involvement with the LHS Band and Football programs.  He played Santa as an additional job during the holidays for several years (4-6 I suppose) and he enjoyed it very much.

About five years ago, while serving as Secretary/Treasurer of the Robertsdale Rotary Club, I created and sent out Club Christmas Cards using this photograph without telling anyone my secret until several weeks into January.

As difficult as circumstances were from time to time, they are all still fond memories.  Merry Christmas everyone and God bless you all!

Ginger Cagle Moore, Class of '66 - This Santa (bottom-B/W) is actually Aunt Violet and I was six. I recognized her by her shoes though and I asked Mama if that was Aunt Violet and she said no, that it was Santa. So I asked her why he had on Aunt Violet's shoes and she told me because they were so comfortable that Santa had some just like them because he was on his feet a lot.
Subject:My Dog
George Lehman Williams 
Class of '64

I think we all have a dog story, so here is mine.

Some of you remember the dog pen in my back yard that housed a Terrier named Skipper, a Dachshund and two Chihuahua’s. We also had a Monkey named Sloopy – yes, named after the song Hang on Sloopy – who used to go with me on occasion to Jerry’s and sit on the hood of my SS and drink beer, but that is a whole other story.

Fast forward to California, many years and many dogs, until we get to Murphy – a five-year-old yellow lab when I adopted him because his owner was going to give him to the pound because they were moving. Murph Dog lived to be 17 only because I trained him not to cross the curb or the boundaries on each side of our house; therefore he did not run away or get run over by a car. Murph was the best dog we ever had. My wife did not want him when I brought him home, but he became her dog, followed her when she would leave the room and would lay down behind her when she was doing the dishes. She would also fuss at me if she thought I was too rough with him.

Time and age did their thing and Murph could not stand up on his own and when he could not keep his food down, I knew it was time, so I took him to the vet for his trip to doggie heaven. Now this would be the first and only dog that I have ever had to put to sleep, all the others were too stupid to either not run away or to stay out of the street.

Three years went by and I (me – not my wife – all by myself – without approval – because I wanted a dog) decided to get another dog. His name is Jacob and he will be one year old on Dec 20th. Yes, his eyes are green and he is as mischievous as he looks. He is crate, leash and potty trained, but he is still a puppy and has his moments. He loves to stay in the garage and watch any kind of sports, he likes to follow the movement of the balls, and of course, he loves Coors Light, although I limit him to ½ can, per day, more than that and he becomes unpredictable. I even took him with me to play golf but he has been banned from the course (my status is probationary). He did not know or understand all the rules, my fault, especially about not moving your ball, or everyone else’s for that matter. And there is that issue with the ducks and the unfortunate episode in the lake that ended our round for the day. Hopefully I will train him not to go over the curb and he will outlive me, that way I won’t have to go thru the pain of putting him to sleep.

Subject:Happy Birthday to Someone
James Ballard
Class of '67
On two recent blogs I frequently post, and, the subject of "love" reared it's fickle head and I found myself caught up in a self created cacophony, an old habit I usually control much better than I used to.

It's that time of year I guess. I can only take comfort in the fact that much greater minds than my own, over centuries, have fallen into the same trap.

I knew a girl once at Lee. We had our strange moments. Like shooting each other with those miniature squirt guns in Jasper Jenkins a capella class, rolling each others yards, climbing TV towers. (Well, she told me she only got to about 10 feet, then chickened out. Like myself, she was always afraid of heights; I was just too dumb to know fear when I should have!) I guess you can say I was a fool for love; I won't speak for her. But of course, love is not always forgiving to the soul.

I recently blogged : "Love is only "proven" by action, and can become a basis for inquiry only by virtue of it's behavior. But once you begin attempts to break it down, love loses it's power. It becomes dry and meaningless, without purpose. Thus, the old adage : In love, the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts." ...or should be. In place of love, we broke each other down into parts, killing off any chance for love. You can be so stupid when you're young; I was no exception.

Today she crossed that big threshold from 59 to 60, the same one I crossed two years ago. I hope she has found peace. This is my Happy Birthday to her.
From: Detroit, Mich.
Web Site:  Old World Gallery

Click here to see Tommy's Christmas Letter for 2009. I don't have snail mail addresses for all of you.

Why I Like Retirement

Number of days in a week: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday

Bedtime:  Three hours after falling asleep on the couch.

Biggest gripe:  There is not enough time to get everything done.

Benefit of being called a senior: The term comes with a 10% discount.

What is considered formal attire: Tied shoes.

Why do retirees count pennies: They are the only ones who have the time.

Common term for someone who enjoys work and refuses to retire:  NUTS!

Reason retirees are so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage:  They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids will want to store stuff there.

What retirees call a long lunch: Normal .

Best way to describe retirement: The never ending Coffee Break.

Biggest advantage of going back to school:  If you cut classes, no one calls your parents.

What do retirees do all week: Monday through Friday, NOTHING. Saturday & Sunday they rest.

Why doing nothing is hard work: You never know when you're done.
This Week's Mystery Photo
This is a picture of Miss Walker's 5th grade class at East Clinton.  Do you recognize anyone?  I can name a few.  Would you put it in the Traveller and see who can name the most or say they are in the picture? I'm not in the picture, I took it. - Carolyn Taylor
Class of '64