Bob Alverson
Class of '65
I never went to wrestling at the Armory, but wanted to, but I did experience wrestling at WHNT in a different way. I first went to work at Channel 19 in 1966. One of my jobs was cameraman for live wrestling. We had a two camera operation, one on the floor in front of Grady's announcers desk and one on a scaffolding in the corner. I preferred the high camera because it was easier to hide my laughing. You always knew when blood was coming because someone would get tossed out of the ring and end up under it. It never failed when they came out they had a cut over an eye. It would bleed forever but not shed much blood.
I left 19 in March, 1967 to go into the Navy but returned in June, 1971. That return brought the return of Live Studio Wrestling to my life. Again as a cameraman for a while then as the director. It was not always easy to take shots that did not show a missed fist to the face or a judo chop to the neck that actually landed on the chest. The best part was when Grady would be doing an interview about an upcoming match. As he would be talking to a wrestler or wrestlers their soon to be challengers would be standing behind me waiting for their cue to come out of the control room and beat the daylights out of the other guys. At least I had heads up warning when they were coming out so the shot could be ready.
One of the favorite wrestlers at 19 was Tom Drake. Tom was a former wrestling star at the University of Chattanooga and was Wrestling Coach at the University of Alabama but he also had another job when I knew him. Tom Drake was Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives, representing Cullman County.
A few years after 19 dropped wrestling I remember looking out the control room door and seeing Nick Gulas, Togo, and Danny Dusek in the lobby. They were there to try and get the GM to put wrestling back on the air. Those of us who had to work the show were willing then and there to give up a weeks pay to keep it off the air. The show did not come back and thank goodness we didn't have to give up the pay.
Coach Myhand
Don Blaise
Class of '64
I had coach Myhand as both a coach and teacher when Lee was a junior high. He used to teach American history and PE and in those days before we had a gym it meant going outside when it wasn’t raining and playing touch football (pitch up and smear) or softball. We all knew that he was originally from Arkansas because he would tell us that, and one day during history class he asked this question, “Do any of you know which state is only one mentioned in the Bible?” He would smile and say it’s Arkansas! You know… Noah stepped out of the Ark and Saw.”
He was a class act and woe be unto you if he ever heard you say a cuss word!
Suzanne Pettus Thomason
Huntsville High School, Class of '64
I loved your newsletter. I graduated from Huntsville High in 1964 and have chaired the last three reunions. We had planned to have one this year, but I have been undergoing cancer treatments and haven't been able to work on it. Maybe next year for a "46-64" reunion.
Chip Smoak gave me your address and said that you might have some information for members of my class at HHS that would help me with the database that I keep up to date. In any case, I'd like to be added to your list to receive your newsletter. My email address is:
Thanks for keeping the memories of Huntsville alive in the minds of all who read your newsletter.
Lee's Traveller
Sandra McLemore
Huntsville High, Class of '64
I think you have done a great job on the website. Even though I went to HHS, most of the memories are familiar to me also and it is fun to see what is going on in H'ville.. I have lived in California since 1969 but get back To H'ville about once a year. I still have relatives there and it is still "home". Thanks for all your work on this project. It is especially great for those of us who don't still live there. Didn't you go to H'ville High for a period of time or was that your brother?
(Editor's Note: I went to Huntsville Jr. High for the 7th and 8th grades before moving to the Lee District. My brother, Don, continued to go to Huntsville High even after the move.
Lee Visit
arni CLINTON anderson
Tommy, there is a group of those who were in the first class to attend lee going on a scheduled tour of the school at 10 o'clock Saturday, June the 20th. Would you like some pics. And a few words about the tour?
(Editor's Note: I always welcome inputs from my readers. Thank you very much for the offer and we are all looking forward to your observations.)