Aaron Potts
First Class of Lee
The article of the military servicemen to me is never a reason for anyone to get upset for the printing. If anything it would be irresponsible if we didn't take time out to thank the military for underwriting our country's freedom and security. I was rejected from the military on three different occasions and I truly wanted to go in because my dad is buried in Normandy, France where there are 9,386 Americans buried there overlooking he Normandy Beach where they landed on D-DAY June 6, 1944. My dad died 16 days later of a gunshot wound to the head. I was fortunate enough to find the man that buried my dad and he still had the battle casualty report he made on my dad the day he died.
I wanted to go into the military because I was poor and I wanted to see my fathers grave and that was the only way I thought I'd be able to see his grave because we had absolutely no money for me to go. I was able to go to college on my fathers G.I. bill to get my degree and there is nothing I wouldn't do for anyone in the military to help them.
For the ones that served in the military, I would like to just say THANK YOU for your time and service to us (spelled U.S.), unfortunately I wasn't able to serve, I truly wish I had been accepted.
Escoe German Beatty
Class of '65
I just wanted to thank all of you who served in all the many ways that you have. I am very proud to have known you and I deeply appreciate your sacrifices.
I am so mad that some sad, pathetic, wingnut ass would have the gall to to ever try to belittle your red- bloodied patriotism because you call attention to our American holidays. You have done such a beautiful job reminding us of our heritage and honoring this country in a totally unbiased publication ...of your own creation no less!!
Anyone who does not approve can just get in line with all the other weak whiners out there and let's excommunicate them from any future it too late to kick them out of the Silver Saber?
Subject:Veteran's Day
Polly Gurley Redd
Class of '66
Veterans’ Day also reminds me of my father, father-in-law, and so many others of the generation before us who fought in World War II and Korea and all that they gave for us. This is the generation that we can’t forget as they are dying off and we are the ones to continue their stories, some of which we may never know. A recent article in our local paper told of a Navy man who was burying his own father at sea in the spot near where his father’s ship had gone down during WWII so that he could be with his comrades. The son had only recently gotten his father to talk about his war experiences because the son was also in the Navy. I regret that, as a young woman, I never got my father to talk about anything more than the funny things he shared. I am sure there are stories that died with him in 1984. Thank you, Tommy and all my Fami-LEE, who have served our country proudly.
Subject:Being Too Right Winged
Michael Griffith
Class of ‘66
In response to the accusation that you are "being too right winged" I would like to offer:
I served two tours, totaling 20 months, in Vietnam. During that time, like most soldiers, I smoked cigarettes (since they were only 10 cents per pack and we were not fearful that the cigarettes would kill us, it was a cheap vice). The “fashion” in that time and place was Zippo lighters with personalized engraved inscriptions. While I quit smoking within a few years after returning to “the world,” I still carry that Zippo in my pocket much of the time. The inscription on one side of that lighter states “For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never taste.” It seems the person that criticized you, has a “protected, sour taste.”
Thanks for being who you are!
Subject:Veteran's Tribute
Eddie Burton
Class of '66
Tommy, I loved the veteran's tributes issue. I am so proud of all our classmates who served. Seeing the photo of my old friend Mike Griffith in Nam just made me admire him all the more. You guys answered your country's call and served her proudly and in doing so made all us who stayed here at home for whatever reasons very proud. God Bless the USA.