Subject:Federal Money
Polly Gurley Redd
Class of ‘66
Totally unrelated to this week’s issue I have something that might be fodder for your writing for The Traveller.
This week on the radio here in North Carolina was a news story about attempts to pass a new law to have federal assistance for school districts near bases. I will admit to not really listening with all my brain but it seems that they are concerned for the local schools in places like Fayetteville here where Fort Bragg is located. With the increase in families being affected by deployments, it seems the local school districts in and around bases are looking for federal funds to help get the needed teachers and other resources to educate the extra students coming to town. It reminded me of the little cards we filled out every year at the beginning of the year about whether or not our parents were employed by the federal government at the Arsenal or the Space Flight Center.
My father didn’t work there and I thought it was silly for me to have to fill in all the little blanks in the card every year, year after year, when his status didn’t change. Why couldn’t they just keep the card from last year? The other part of the cards that I remember was that the spaces were very small for printing all the information. They wanted to know names and employers, obviously, but they also wanted birth information. My father had been born at home in North Carolina so I took great pleasure in putting “Lick Log Gap, Rip Shin Ridge, Burke County, North Carolina” in that little space so that no one could actually read it. In all your treasures do you still have any of those federal employee cards?
Subject:LHS Visits
Kevin Rice
Class of ‘71
Attended the Dog Classic golf tourney
( this pass Friday. Had a great time as usual seeing a lot of LHS alumni and playing around of golf with good Friends.
So happens a classmate of mine and presently the principal at Lee, Paul Parvin , was there. He told us that if anyone wanted to visit the school before it’s torn down, to contact him and he would work with you. May be something to do during the Aug. gathering.
Also crashed the Saturday night Class of 1973 reunion event at the Holiday Inn downtown Hsv. I’m class of “71” and wife is “74” so we knew a few people. Had another wonderful time seeing old Friends or maybe a younger sister or brother of an old Friend.
Sue Faulkner , English and Beowulf mentor during my years, was there enjoying the faces of all the “young kids” as she put it. She said some teachers still get together now and then for lunch around town.
Subject:Skip Cook Volcano / Stink Bomb
Jim McBride
Class of ‘65
Skip. Dude. That was you who caused such a stink all those years ago? Congrats. Oh, how I loved anything that altered my boring classroom routine. The smell of sulfur still takes me back to that day.