Established March 31, 2000   132,491 Previous Hits             Monday - May 19, 2008

Editor:Tommy Towery                                           
Class of 1964                           Page Hits This Issue     e-mail
Adivsory Board: Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, George Lehman Williams, Patsy Hughes Oldroyd
Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
MEMPHIS, TN - Okay, the game is afoot. The Traveller is sponsoring a get together (Mini-Reunion) for August 30th.

Please include your class year with your e-mails.
T. Tommy
Last Week's
Mystery Photo
This Week's
Mystery Photo
August 30th -
Mark Your Calendars
by Tommy Towery
Class of '64

Thanks for all of the suggestions for a place to have a get-together this summer. After a lot of searching, I finally found the Recreation Center at Optimist Park to be the place I think might work out the best. I tried to get the pavilion on Monte Sano but did it was already booked so I started looking around on the internet and finally found this place. I looked on the web for a picture of the building, but could not find one. Perhaps one of you Classmates in Huntsville can go over and take a photo of the center and email it to me. I don't even know what the inside looks like, but the room I have reserved will hold 65 people, and has tables and chairs.

I have it reserved from 12pm to 5pm on Saturday, August 30th. We have to be gone at 5pm, so perhaps we can make arrangements to go somewhere afterwards to eat or whatever. I have some plans for some fun activities already, but am open for other ideas. If noting else, it is a chance for all of us to just visit. It's still a long time until our next real reunion, but I hope we can talk it over sometime during the day.

I propose, but am open for suggestions, that we do a covered dish type lunch, starting eating about 12:15pm. They said we could come in early to set up, so we can start about then. We have to August to come up with a real game plan, but I wanted to announce it so you can all start making plans. I'm sorry it is in the middle of football season, but Sue and I are giving up seeing the Memphis/Ole Miss game ourselves, and that is the big game of the year for us.

So, if nothing else, put it on your calendar.

Marty Phillips, Class of  '66 - I believe the stuff was called Wildroot or Wild Root hair cream.

Jeff Fussell, Class of '66 - Get Wildroot Cream Oil Charlie…Al Capp’s “Fearless Fosdick” was an endorser.

Carolyn Burgess Featheringill, Class of '65 - I believe that the product featured in the Mystery Photo is Wildroot Cream Oil.  'Sounds mighty greasy, doesn't it!!!

Linda Beal Walker, Class of '66 - Is this Wild Root cream oil?   Wild Root Cream Oil, Charlie is all I can remember.

Don Blaise, Class of '64 - I used to use that stuff all the time and I liked it a lot better than Bylycreem. It didn’t seem as greasy and I didn’t have to use very much to get the effect I wanted. A bottle of that stuff would last for years. Ah yes, Wildroot Cream Oil was good and if you really wanted to have that patent leather, JD- Look  it was the best. I just became a grandfather for the forth time! His name is Luke Jackson Maddox and lives in Atlanta, GA. In fact, all four of my grandchildren are Georgia Peaches. Got one more on the way in December and when that happens I will finally be ahead of my brother Ron! Thanks, as always for the WEB site Tommy.

(Editor's Note: Is it just me or does the guy on the left in the commercial above look like Tommy Thompson, Class of '64? He sure does to me.)
Subject:Class of '68 Reunion
Cathey Polly
Class of '68
If you are interested in the reunion for the class of 1968 scheduled for July 5, please contact me.

Subject:May Pole
Sharon Rose Towery Linsky

Coincidentally, the first of May I had taken my two granddaughters around Huntsville to share some of my memories and "special" places that are near and dear to me from my childhood. We drove to Monte Sano State Park and walked around the playground and the surrounding area. They played a bit on the slides and looked over the sides of the mountain down onto the beautiful scenery of rock and waterfalls. We drove past my grandmother's home on McCullough were an older lady was sitting on the porch - just as my own grandmother would often do.

I then took them to eat at Mullins Restaurant, and then drove over to East Clinton Elementary, to show them the school and playground.

On the grounds of the school, students were performing the May Pole dance, just as we did in the 50's. I shared with them that my fellow classmates and friends had performed the same dance together when I was young. They appeared somewhat impressed (at ages 9 and 14, you never really know). I left out the pagan theme of the dance...the fact that the children were enjoying themselves in celebration of spring was the theme I chose to present to them...

We completed the "tour" by driving past Holmes Street Methodist Church (where their grandfather and I were married in 1965) and past our home on Beirne Avenue (the northwest end)...the home still looks much the same, the neighborhood, alas, has declined a great deal.

I hope that they will remember these places and the stories I associated with them; however, I realize nostalgia is confined to those who have experienced the sights, sounds, and emotions first hand. Regretfully, I wish I had paid more attention to those places and events shared with me by my own grandmother in years gone by....they are still there but somewhat tarnished with age and having been swept away to shadowed corners of my memories.
      From Our
Above is a clip from a TV show that was very popular during the Fifties. Guy Madison was the star, what was the name of the show?