Established March 31, 2000   130,902 Previous Hits             Monday - April 21, 2008

Editor:Tommy Towery                                           
Class of 1964                           Page Hits This Issue     e-mail
Adivsory Board: Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, George Lehman Williams, Patsy Hughes Oldroyd
Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
MEMPHIS, TN - There's a big guard drill this week, starting on Saturday, so I have to get this finished up in a hurry. Please take time to try the trivia I worked so hard on.

Please include your class year with your e-mails.
T. Tommy
Last Week's
Mystery Photo
      From Our
This Week's
Mystery Photo
The Baby Boomer
Telephone Trivia
by Tommy Towery
Class of '64

Seems like lately everyone has been sending me links to some "Oldie Goldie" and "Back Then" trivia web sites. I decided last week to do my own and picked the telephone as the source for my contest.

I made it a multi-media one so I had to put it on youtube. Please pass this along to all of your freinds and let me see how many hits I can get on it.

Also e-mail me with your score (if you dare) and be honest. I'll take any other comments you want to throw at me as well.
Don Blaise, Class of '64 - TT, you have got to be the biggest pack rat in our class! Where do you get this stuff? I have absolutely no idea what that beanie represents. But, have a good day and take care of yourself Tommy.

This was not mine but was sent to me by J. Whitt Singleton, Class of '67 who stated - It is of a freshman cap ("beanie") given to me when I was a freshman at Lee High School in 1963 (ninth grade). The emblem is faded but I kept it for all these years. Unfortunately I have hunted for it since then to no avail. I thought you might like to use it on the site since it relates to Lee High School and to my knowledge has never had a photo of a freshman cap featured. I will continue to look for the cap and possibly take a photo using less memory.
Okay, so it's not '64-'65-'66; but we have a lot of readers from other classes. Anyone remember this?
Subject:Sweet Home Alabama
Eddie Burton
Class of '66

Let me see if I can top Jim McBride from last week with this. I was in Moscow with a rock band hired by the Miller Brewing Company to introduce Miller beer to the Russians. Like they need more alcohol. Our promoter there worked for a bank in downtown Moscow and one day we met him there. I was just standing around at the bank and I looked down this long hallway and there was an office with glass windows and the door was glass also and closed. There was a clock on the wall behind the bank officer's desk and it had a familiar look so I started walking down that way. When I got about 10 feet from the door, two very large Russian men stepped from our of nowhere and said "Neyt" as they held their hands up towards me. I said, " I'm sorry I just wanted to see that clock." They said, "No Clock." I was close enough to it to see what it was and I took a picture which really made them 'happy'. The face of the clock was Crimson and the numbers and hands were white and written across the face was, "Roll Tide."  I guess the man who's office that was, was a Bama fan. It was just so out of place there.

Editor's Note:

I have another "top this" about Alabama. When I was in Thailand during the Vietnam War, I went shopping in a jewelry shop in Sattahip. I was with a friend from Kansas and he got to talking to the young Thai girl that was selling us jewelry. She asked him where he was from and he said Kansas and proceeded to ask her if she knew where that was. She replied in very good English, "Yes, I do." He asked her where and she started drawing a route across an imaginary map in the air. saying "California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas. Topeka is capitol." We both laughed. I then told her I was from Alabama and asked if she had ever heard of Alabama, expecting her to do the same for my state. Instead, she just about knocked me off the chair when she started singing (in a little more broken English)..."Oh, I come from Alabama, with a banjo on my knee...." I would have loved to have a picture of the shock on my face. What a small world.
Bleecher Bums
Russell Pass
Class of '72

Here's a photo made of the side bleechers at Optimist Park the year Lee won baseball championship(the famed Bleecher bums...Classes of 70,71,72-

Nobody has ever seen this picture.. Can you run it? Thanks.

Tommy Bunn, Russell Pass, Mike(Head)Ray, Kim Riley, Mike Robertson, Joe Sheppard, Randy Bailey, Fred Hall (teacher Anna Hall's Son),Joe Henry, Bob Speegle, Mike Riley, Neil Bunn, Stanley Henry, Ben Holland, Steve Godfrey, Dub Glover, Roy Thompson.