Established March 31, 2000   125,316 Previous Hits        Monday - January 7, 2008

Editor:Tommy Towery                                           
Class of 1964                           Page Hits This Issue     e-mail
Adivsory Board: Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, George Lehman Williams, Patsy Hughes Oldroyd
Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
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MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE -  Happy New Year 2008!  We take time in this issue to remember those of our Classmates who left us during the last year. They will be missed by all.

Many of you sent me the link to the Huntsville article that was printed in The New York Times and which is copies in this issue. I know I can certainly relate to most of the story, as I am sure many of you can as well.

Please include your class year with your e-mails.
T. Tommy
Last Week's
Mystery Photo
      From Our
This Week's
Mystery Photo
Mental Feng Shui
for 2008 

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.

FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN! .. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY- ONE. Spend some time alone.

When the Germans, and Rockets,
Came to Town
By Shaila Dewan
from The New York Times
Published: December 31, 2007

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — In 1950, this cotton market town in northern Alabama lost a bid for a military aviation project that would have revived its mothballed arsenal. The consolation prize was dubious: 118 German rocket scientists who had surrendered to the Americans during World War II, led by a man — a crackpot, evidently — who claimed humans could visit the moon.

Ultimately those German immigrants made history, launching the first American satellite, Explorer I, into orbit in January 1958 and putting astronauts on the moon in 1969. The crackpot, Wernher von Braun, was celebrated as a visionary.

Far less attention, though, has been given to the space program’s permanent transformation of Huntsville, now a city of 170,000 with one of the country’s highest concentrations of scientists and engineers. The area is full of high-tech giants like Siemens, LG and Boeing, and a new biotech center.

Rocket scientists, propulsion experts and military contractors have given the area per capita income levels above the national average and well above the rest of the state.

Huntsville residents regard their city as an oasis, as un-Alabaman as Alabama can be. But they acknowledge that the state’s backwater reputation is a hindrance to recruiting. Local boosters are hoping to use the 50th anniversary of Explorer I on Jan. 31 as a way to promote Huntsville as Rocket City, unveiling a new pavilion, housing a 363-foot Saturn V rocket, at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, a museum and popular tourist attraction.

Even the Germans, who had spent five years cloistered on an Army base near El Paso, knew beforehand of Alabama’s spotty “résumé,” as Konrad Dannenberg, who at 95 is one of the last surviving members of the original von Braun team, put it last week.

“We knew that the people here run around without shoes,” Dr. Dannenberg said, in a tone of deadpan gravity. “They make their money moonshining and that’s what they drink for breakfast, and supper. And so we, in a way, were a little bit disappointed that it was really not that bad.”

The residents were wary of the Germans as well. They knew that most of them had been members of the Nazi Party and that they had built the V-2 rocket for Hitler. But the charismatic von Braun accepted virtually every speaking invitation, winning over Rotarians and peanut farmers.

And the Germans tried hard to assimilate. Von Braun insisted that the scientists speak English if there was so much as a single American, even a janitor, within earshot, said Ernst Stuhlinger, 94, another surviving member of the team. Dr. Stuhlinger was one of many who settled on Monte Sano, the mountain overlooking the town, which reminded the Germans of home.

“People said, ‘If you had just been at war with these people, how can you be so accepting of them?’ ” recalled Loretta Spencer, the 70-year-old mayor of Huntsville, offering a visitor a homemade pecan cookie. “But I think we were just in awe.”

In school, the German children’s diligence posed a challenge. “I remember working real hard in physics class to beat Axel Roth, who later worked for NASA,” Ms. Spencer said. “I beat him by a point on the final exam, and I was really tickled by it.”

The Germans also needed thousands of Americans to staff the missile program. Many who answered the call were “rocket boys” like Homer H. Hickam Jr., author of the memoir by that name, who scavenged together his first rockets in a West Virginia mining town and now lives here. Others were young men from cotton-picking families who went to school on the G.I. Bill.

By the time Explorer I was launched, the residents of Huntsville had so thoroughly adopted the Germans that there was an impromptu celebration. Charles E. Wilson, the former secretary of defense whose severe curtailment of the Germans’ work was blamed by some as having allowed the Soviet Union to beat America to space with Sputnik, was burned in effigy.

And by the mid-1960s, von Braun had so mastered the local culture that when he wanted voters to approve a bond issue for the Space and Rocket Center, he persuaded Bear Bryant, the revered University of Alabama football coach, and Shug Jordan, the rival Auburn coach, to make a television commercial supporting the project.

Rocketry permeated Huntsville, where windows shook and dishes cracked each time the powerful propulsion engines were tested. Children built rockets powered by zinc powder and sulfur, and the mad-scientist-in-the-basement tradition still has a hold. Tim Pickens, a rocket designer who helped a private manned spacecraft win the $10 million X Prize in 2004, attached a 200-pound-thrust engine to a bicycle in his garage here.

City officials trying to capitalize on this kind of ingenuity are irritated that prominent scholars have chosen this moment to scrutinize the von Braun team’s Nazi ties.

A new biography by Michael J. Neufeld portrays von Braun as a man who made a Faustian bargain. Diane McWhorter, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and Birmingham native, is at work on a book on the space race that compares Nazi ideology to contemporaneous white supremacy in the South.

Most Huntsvillians concluded long ago that the Germans had been coerced into joining the party. And, though skeptical of claims that the scientists were thoroughly apolitical, Ms. McWhorter says Southerners might easily understand that membership in an organization is not necessarily the best indicator of sentiment.

“There were members of the White Citizens Council in the South who were probably less racist than people who weren’t members,” she said.

Residents point to the symphony and the Huntsville branch of the University of Alabama, both nurtured into being by the Germans, and say their enlightened views contributed to the fact that the town had the first integrated elementary school in the state. Dr. Von Braun himself was threatened by the Ku Klux Klan for hiring blacks, said Bob Ward, a Huntsville newsman and von Braun biographer.

Besides, Huntsville is a forward-looking place. The Nazi question “just doesn’t come up,” said Loren Traylor, a Chamber of Commerce vice president. “That was then, this is now.”

Since we are sharing the story about the rockets of Huntsville, this week's Mystery Photo will echo the theme. I know many of you were as excited about the rockets built in Huntsville as I was. The rocket in the photo above was one of my favorite ones, born from the love of building the Revell plastic model of the same. It was one of many rockets which I built and had displayed on a bookshelf in my bedroom when I loved on East Clinton. Can anyone name the rocket?
Subject:Your Class of '64 Video \
Name Removed by request

I ran across your video on of the Lee High School Class of ’64 picnic while I was searching on Google for Judith Keel.  What a thrill to see her exactly as I remember her on your class of ’64 picnic home movie.  She and I met in ’65 I believe it was, working as temps together, and became fast friends until late 1966. She still loved the Bermuda shorts and loose sweat-shirts.  I met my husband while she and I were out cruising at Jerry’s and the Big Boy Drive-in in Huntsville. She and I used to cruise the drive-ins together in her cute little white convertible Corvair with red leather seats.  As my husband was German Airforce stationed at Redstone Arsenal at the time (to train with the Pershing Missile system), I went to Germany for 8 years in 1966 when he went back home.  Judith came to visit me there about 5 years after I left, when I’d had my son.  Then we lost touch. 

A few years ago, she contacted me out-of-the-blue by email and was in the process of moving to another state down south (somehow I remember something about Texas) with her husband.  Unfortunately during the time she was relocating, my computer crashed and my hard-drive had to be wiped clean.  I lost her email address in the process and then never heard from her after that.  I’ve wondered ever since if she’s okay and what she’s up to now.  For the life of me, I could not remember what her new married name is and have not been able to locate her.  Have you any recent information about her?  I would love to contact her again.  I can be reached at this email address.  If I only had her email address, I would like to try getting in touch again.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

(Editor's Note: Can anyone give us a hint how me might be able to locate Judith Keel? Please email me with any information you might have.)

Subject:Class of '68 40 Year Reunion?
Calvin Balch
Class of '68

Tommy, I enjoy checking the issues each week and having my memory jogged about the past. I know you cover 1964-66 mainly,but I wondered if you have any information about a reunion for the class of 1968. Thanks.
Lest We Forget
by Tommy Towery
Class of '64

In Memory of The Classmates We Lost in 2007

Above is the list of the Classmates that we know for sure that we lost last year. There may be others that we did not hear about. Two of the above were dear to me, but I feel a loss with the passing of anyone from our classes. We will miss all of them.
This is the classic battery operated toy called "Charlie Weaver - Bartender". Made in Japan in 1962. Primarily metal with real clothing and a rubber head. Cosmetically he is complete and in excellent condition. He shakes the shaker, pours a drink, his face turns red and smoke comes out of his ears! Usually you can find a reasonable condition toy for about $100.

Click here for youtube video of this toy in action.

Does anyone know what Charlie Weaver's real name was and which product he made the commercial for and what name he used in the commercial?
Classmate's Father Passes Away

We got the following message this week: Cecil Tipton, whom I believe to be the son of the man in this obituary, was a member of the LHS class of '65.

Cecil Morland Tipton  
Sept. 23, 1920 Dec. 30, 2007

Cecil Morland Tipton, 87, of Huntsville died Saturday at a local hospital. He served in the Army Air Corp during World War II. He is survived by his wife, Gladys; one daughter, and son-in-law, Debbie Tipton and Donald R. Maples of New Hope; four sons, and daughters-in-law, Cecil and Peggy Tipton of Opelika, Ritchie Lee and Marianne Tipton of Tuscaloosa, Jeffrey Walker and Vicki Tipton of Keller, Texas and Andy Keith and Peggy M. Tipton of Sardis; and 10 grandchildren. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Valhalla Funeral Home with Harold Kelly officiating. The interment will be in Valhalla Memory Gardens. 

Lee's Traveller
Passes 125,000 Web Hits

Sometime last week, a visitor to this site put our total hit marker over the 125,000 mark. That is a low number, considering the counter does not count the number of times people have hit the "Last Week's Issue" button and added to previous hit counts. The count I keep is basically the last week total plus the number of hits during the week of the current issue.

Thanks to all of you for keeping this hobby of mine fun and exciting and more rewarding than you might ever imagine.
Randy Jennings
Class of '66
January 9th, 2007
David France
Class of '64
July 6, 2007

Stephen Loren Kerschner
Class of '66
April 27, 2007
Bob Walker
Class of '64
November 15, 2007