Established March 31, 2000 118,838 Previous Hits Monday - September 3, 2007
Adivsory Board: Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, George Lehman Williams, Patsy Hughes Oldroyd
Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
Bobby Cochran, Class of '64 - Hi Tommy. Boy, the "Where's the Photo" is a real puzzler. (Editor's Note: I find this amusing, since Bobby was the one that sent me the link for photo several years ago.)
Sarajane Steigerwald Tarter, Class of '65 - I think the mystery photo this week is taken on Clinton Avenue just about where the Parkway is today. As you look East towards town you can see red trucks to the right that may be milk trucks.
Jeff Fussell, Class of '66 - I don’t recall the Texaco station in the middle of the photo, but the Russel Erskine Hotel is very recognizable. With Monte Sano in the background and the Huntsville Times Building to the left, it appears that we are looking southeast on Jefferson Street toward Holmes. Am I close?
Steve Craig, Class of '71 - Hi Tommy, thanks for your work. Is the photo Holmes Ave at Woodson just east of the Parkway? You can see the Times Building, the train tracks, and beautiful Monte Sano.
Escoe German Beatty, Class of '65 - My best guess is that you are looking east down Holmes St. at the intersection of about where the Parkway crosses above today...Monte Sano is in the background and the Russel Erskine is visible.. it is somewhere just to the west of downtown and I think the RR tracks are in there.
Rod Dixon, Class of '69 - The photo this week is Holmes Avenue looking east towards downtown. Of course I565 zigs and zags across this area now. The street to the right is Woodson and connects to Clinton Ave. My only question is what is the building further up on the left. Looks like a school but there was an East Clinton school just a block over. And, of course, the Russel Erskine Hotel is the "skyscraper" looming in the distance!
Steve Cook, Class of '66 - Looks like the picture was taken from the Parkway overpass at Clinton Street. You are looking East toward downtown Huntsville with the Times Building and Russell Erskine Hotel in the horizon. Pin Hook Creek is nearby as is the L& N rail road crossing. I believe Woody Anderson had the car lot there on Clinton close to the intersection shown in the picture. Just a wild guess. Keep up the great work.
Lee Class of 1959 Reunion
Suzette Yost von Kamp
I am wanting to put on a class reunion for the class of 1959. We only started at Lee in January 1958 and went there 1.5 yrs. In May of 1959 we split and some went to Butler and the others went to Huntsville High. Then in 1960 they started adding and dropping a year to make it a high school.
When we started in Jan 19658, we only had one wing and the lunchroom. Had to go under and over scaffolding to get to the lunchroom. The next year it was completed when we returned in Sept 1958.
But there is only the one year that was special as we had to split up and we just were getting to know each other as we came from Lincoln and Rison and a few from East Clinton.
If you know of anyone on the list, please let me know and I can contact them.
Suzette Yost von Kamp
4106 Toftoy Dr
Huntsville, Al 35805
Lee Junior High
Anderson, Arthur
Arndt, Karin
Baker, Sue
Beene, Peggy
Bennett, Janice
Blackburn, Jo Ann
Brand, Robert
Brazier, Janey
Broadway, Gary
Brooks, Christine
Buckelew, Juanita
Byars, Irene
Campbell, C.V.
Chambers, Richard
Cobb, Sue
Cox, Bill
Curry, Charles
Davis, Veryl
Duncan, Annetta
Ekis, Sherry
Erbskorn, Christl
Ethridge, Ronald
Farrell, Brian
Fike, Susan
Gipson, Deloris
Glover, Butch
Harding, Verlon
Hardwick, David
Harrell, Jack
Higgins, Jerry
Holder, Linda
Hoop, Mike
Hosch, Jane
Humphrey, Pat
Johnson, Mike
Keith, Perry
Kelner, Shirley
Kephart, Jacky
Kilpatrick, Rex
Klan, Judy
LaPier, Freddie
Lee, Annette
Lee, Glenn
Lindner, Diethard
Linton, Sylvia
Luna, Matha
Manley, Bonnie
May, Larry
McAlister, DeVede
McCarver, Randy
McGinniss, Steve
Meeks, Johnny
Meeler. Peggy
Micheal, Louise
Mitchell, Nancy
Mooney, Tom
Newby, Max
Owens, Larry S
Packrus, Rayburn
Pearce, Mickey
Pierce, Joan
Pierce, John
Plant, Phillip
Ray, Lewis
Reeves, Tommy
Rhodes, Brenda
Rudd, Rebecca
Russell, G.L.
Samples, Kyle
Shannon, Charles
Sharpe, :Larry
Shipley, John
Smith, Bobby
Snelling, Don
Staggs, Nancy
Stahely, Robert
Stanley, Brenda
Stinnett, Linda
Strawbridge, Ann
Tate, Linda
Troupe, Daryl
Uselton, Barbara
Williams, Frances
Williams, Nelda
Brooks Glover
Richard Simmons
Do any of you folks know of the whereabouts of Brooks Glover? He was at the 1995 reunion, but not at 2000; I don’t know about 2005. (Editor's Note: Last time I saw Brooks, he was working in a federal government job in Nashville.)