Est. March 31, 2000                89,130 Previous Hits          Monday - February 6, 2006

Editor:Tommy Towery                                           
Class of 1964                           Page Hits This Issue     e-mail
Staff :
        Barbara Wilkerson Donnelly, Joy Rubins Morris, Rainer Klauss, Bobby Cochran, Collins (CE) Wynn, Eddie Sykes, Don Wynn, Paula Spencer Kephart, Cherri Polly Massey

Contributors: The Members of Lee High School Classes of 64-65-66 and Others
I want my money back! I took a five day cruise and did not gain the 10 pounds everyone says you gain on a cruise. I gave it a good shot though, but perhaps eating a little more sensible at Hilton Head this year cut down on the anticipated inches.

This week's Traveller may be a little smaller than expected, since my e-mail is all locked down at the University's mail server (which appears to be down for maintenance at this time). I'll include what I already had copied and try to catch up next week.

Please include your name and class year with your e-mail to me.
T. Tommy
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Replying to Last Week's Article
on Miss Moore

Paula Spencer Kephart, Class of '66 - I remember Penny Moore very well.  When I read Greg's article I remembered that I sat in front of him one year.  I was almost petrified of the lady--she was so terribly hard on grammar.  It turned out that she was, indeed, a blessing.  When I went off to UNA, I was placed in an English class taught by Stanley Rosenbaum, the owner of the Frank Lloyd Wright home in Florence, Al.  He was a graduate of Harvard and was a stickler about grammar.  Because I had learned so much in Miss Moore's classes, I was very lucky to get A's from Mr. Rosenbaum.  I am sure I managed that because of the background I had at our dear old alma mater.

Cindy Powell Miller, Class of '65 - Thank you to Greg Dixon for visiting Miss Moore and writing the story about her.  I, too, consider her one of the best teachers ever. I remember she told us she would teach us grammar.  We would learn it and would never have to study it again.  She was right.  She was a gem. I am glad to hear that she still thinks fondly of our classes ('64 & '65).  Thanks again Greg for the update on a special teacher.
This Week's
Mystery Photo

This was taken a few years ago on a visit to Huntsville. I had forgotten all about it until I saw it that day. Who can tell us the name of the place where this was located in the Sixties? It is still there by the way.
Y2K2 Photos Available for Viewing,
Downloading, or Purchasing

An e-mail from Joy Rubins Morris, Class of '64 last week stated: "Your pictures look terrific.  I know you had a wonderful time.  If you have time in the near fuutre, plese consider adding the mini-reunion pictures taken the August that Terry flew in to your new photo newsite." Since Joy is one of my favorite people because she was one of the first to volunteer (along with Terry) to help out with the Traveller, I have granted her this one wish. You can now view all the photos I took at the Year 2002 (Y2K2) mini-reunion which was held July 19 -20, 2002.

To view the photos, go to and click on the LHS Y2k2 Photo section.
      From Our
Lynn Bozeman VanPelt
Class of '66

I'm pretty sure that wedding on the bridge in Scottsboro was Escoe German's little sister Belinda.  Bet Carol Jean can fill in the details.

Subject:Danny Prady
Eddie Burton
Class of '66

Tommy, I work with a man named Bill Prady who is a Lee Alum from the class of 74. He said his older brother was class of 64 and his name was Danny Prady. I was wondering if you remembered him. I believe he passed away about 10 years ago and I looked on the In Memory section and I didn’t see him. Bill and I worked together everyday for 5 years before we found out we both went to Lee. It’s a small world isn’t it?

(Editor's Note:  I looked in my yearbook and did not find a Danny Prady in the Class of '64. Can anyone help Eddie out with his question?)

Subject:Another Long Lost Classmate Found
Annette McCraney
Class of '64

I noticed a new mom and baby in the Mother/Baby Dept. at Huntsville Hosp. last week . The name caught my attention. It was McCranie, and immediately brought to mind a classmate that I was often asked if he was my brother, despite the difference in spelling. When I was asked about when the mom and new babe would be brought to the room after delivery, I asked the beautiful lady if she would mind a personal question about the name, and she told me that George was her husband!!! They were there to celebrate the birth of their first grandchild- a gorgeous little baby girl...In a short while she brought George to the desk to see me!!!! I hadn't see him since the 1984 reunion, but we did have a few minutes to reminisce and I told him about the website and gave him your email address because I couldn't remember the website URL. I am going to call them to give them the website addy. They still live here, and G. wants to be included in any gatherings that we have.

Subject:Class of '67 Loss
Lynn Bozeman VanPelt
Class of '66

Kathy Charleton Green, Class of 1967 died Jan. 17 from complications of Multiple Sclerosis.  She was the middle Charleton girl, her big sister is Theresa Charleton Esslinger, Class of '64 and little sister Denise Charleton Bozeman, Class of 1969 (and my sister in law).  There was a really neat article about her in Sat. (Jan. 28) newspaper, I mailed my copy to my sister in law, wish I had thought to scan it first.

Subject:Your Ultralight Flight Photos
Woddy Beck
Class of '65

Hey, that looks like real flying.