It’s that time Again!
Lee High Classmate,
Can you believe it’s been 45 years!!! Of course, it’s 46 for Class of 1964 and 44 for Class of 1966. But in any event, it’s time for a reunion of the Classes of 1964, 1965, and 1966.
It will be held on August 20 and 21, at the Huntsville Marriott. It’s time to renew old friendships, and revisit those wonderful unbelievable high school years. Come and learn who are great-grandparents or great-great grandparents. We now have even more retirees from these classes! The only way to find out all of the scoop is to BE THERE. We’re not getting any younger you know!! We have our very own website at Visit it and start getting excited about seeing the old friends you haven’t had a chance to catch up with.
Friday, August 20, is the casual poolside party with an open bar. Each class will host a hospitality room with refreshments and memorabilia displays. Saturday night we’ll enjoy the sounds of the Time Machine(the same band from the last reunion). The cost for both evenings is $100 couple, $50 single. Fill out, and mail, the form below NOW while you’re thinking about it. We look so forward to having a big turnout.
Please reply by June 4th with your registration form and check, made payable to LHS Reunion 2010. If you are unable to attend, please reply anyway, so we can update our records, and save postage on any additional mailings. Also, if you are unable to attend but would like to receive a handbook, please return the form and enclose $5.00 to cover the mailing cost. Please check the attached list of names to see if you know how to contact any of these classmates that we have not been able to locate.
LHS Reunion Class of ________
P.O. Box 527
Huntsville, AL 35804
Contacts for each class are:
1964 – Linda Taylor (
1965 – and/or Carol Jean Williams Carroll (
1966 - Kathy Jones ( and/or Judy Kincaid (
Will Attend___________________ Will Not Attend_______________ Handbook Only________________________
Name _______________________________________________ Maiden Name__________________________________
Name of Spouse:______________________________________________________(Please include middle initial)
City _______________________________ State _____________________ Zip __________________________
Phone No. ___________________________________e-mail address _____________________________
Occupation ________________________________________________________________________